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The Research of Single-phase LCL Dual-loop Grid Current Control Based on the Modified PR Regulator ABSTRACT: With the advantages of good filter property and small size, LCL filter is widely applied in single-phase grid inverter. However, its capacitance branch is extremely vulnerable to resonances, which are harmful to the design of control circuit, so we propose many strategy to solve the problem. Monocyclic grid current control strategy is a severe underdamped system and the existence of resonant peaks can cause the distortion of current waveform. PI regulator is unable to stabilize the closed-loop system. In terms of PR regulator, by increasing the current loop gain of specific frequency, the error of harmonic can be restricted, but the frequency variations influences and controls the b-and width of the system. This paper comes up with a kind of frequency variations influences and adopts double loop current control strategy. The experimental result indicates that this kind of strategy can effectively solve the problem of the inverter, in the case of the grid frequency fluctuation, giving rise to the grid current resonance and the power factor of the grid current.
KEY WORDS: grid-connected inverter; PI controller; frequency feedback; dual-loop current controller
1 引言
2 系统结构
图1 系统控制结构图
Fig.1 System control structure
图2 频率偏移时二阶系统伯德图
Fig.2 Bode of the second-order system when the frequency offset
图3 闭环系统的结构框图
Fig.3 Block diagram of the closed-loop system
3 系统仿真及实验分析
为了验证频率反馈PR调节的有效性,对电网电压频率掉频,电网电流切换时跟随电压能力,并网电压的THD进行了研究。根据以上分析,设计出一台1KW的试验样机。单向逆变输出电压为220/50HZ,滤波器参数为L=3.5MH,C=16uF.功率器件采用IGBT,开关频率为10KHZ,经试验验证,选取 =4, =100。仿真和实验条件相同,因考虑电流内环,电网掉频时频率为49HZ。
图5 基于FLL 的PR控制电流双闭环仿真波形
Fig.5 Simulation waveform with PR control dual loop strategy based on FLL
图6 逆变器工作电流突变波形
Fig.6 Simulation waveform with the current mutation of inverter
图 7 基于FLL的PR控制时电网掉频时电流波形(f=49HZ)
Fig.7 Simulation waveform with PR control power grid frequency fall based on FLL(f=49HZ)
图8 电网掉频时传统的电流波形
Fig.8 Simulation waveform with power grid frequency fall by traditional methods
图9 基于FLL的PR控制电流双闭环波形
Fig.9 Experimental waveform with PR control dual loop strategy based on FLL
图10 并网电流从2.4A突变到4.8A波形
Fig.10 Grid current dynamic response(2.4A-4.8A)
图11 并网电流从3.2A到2.4A突变波形
Fig.11 Grid current dynamic response(3.2A-2.4A)
图12 电网频率掉落变化波形(f=49HZ)
Fig.12 Experimental waveform with power grid frequency fall
4 结论
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